Upon your arrival, you will be required to sign this Waiver as a condition of your rental.
Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnity: I understand and acknowledge the inherent risks, dangers and hazards of the activities offered at Fillenwarth Beach and Fillenwarth Beach Real Estate LLC (referred to together as Resort) and the physical layout of the Resort property needed to accommodate the activities and the rental units. I agree to notify the others in my party and any guests of mine about the risks, dangers and hazards. The activities and layout include, but are not limited to, boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing, paddle boating, getting on and off boats, swimming in the lake and pools and navigating on the docks, steps and premises of and steps around the resort, and contact with other persons. On behalf of myself and the others in my party and any guest I may have, I assume and accept the risks of injury from the activities, resort equipment and facilities, layouts, whether the undersigned, anyone in my party or guest of mine, the Resort, resort employees or representatives or third parties cause it. In consideration of our stay at the Resort, and on behalf of myself and others in my party and any guest of mine, I hereby release, waive, discharge and hold harmless the Resort owners, Resort employees, representatives, members and independent contractors (hereafter Resort Parties) from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, damages, costs and expenses, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage or wrongful death arising out of my stay at the Resort, whether based on negligence, contract or other basis, and whether caused in whole or in part by the negligent acts or omissions of the Resort or Resort Parties. If there is a claim by anyone in my party or a guest of mine based on an injury, loss or damage, the undersigned agrees to defend Resort and Resort Parties against such claims and pay Resort and Resort Parties for all expenses relating to the claim and indemnify the Resort and Resort Parties for all obligations resulting from any such claim.